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Project funding

- Venture capital
- Private portfolio funds
- Start up funding

Venture capital

Venture capital is a special way of project or business funding, which is more used in USA than in Europe. It is kind of Private Equity tool, which offers financial resources to such projects, where bank dept cannot be achieved.

Venture capital can be perceived as risk capital, which is funding activities without the appropriate asset portfolio in the background. It is, of course, more expansive than bank dept, because of the risk premium for investor. However sometimes only Venture capital funding can start very interesting business.

We can offer to find a venture capital for your business, organize all the formalities around if required, organize other activities around starting the business with venture capital support.

Private portfolio funds

There still exists a specific fund type in CZ, which allows interesting tax optimization. It is a kind of special portfolio fund called in czech language “Fond kvalifikovaných investorů”.

Tax rate for this type of fund is 5% comparing to 19%. There is a special law regulating these funds in CZ.

Such fund is setup by one or group of investors/ companies with similar business. They put some asset into the fund and then distribute the final net income to them self.

We can offer management of fund setup, we can operate the fund, we can work as independent entity to monitor the fund performance since we are not materially connected to the fund investors.

Start up funding

There exists a lot of people, who start realization of their own project, but they run out of financial resources, or have luck of right contacts and other resources.

We offer to help you with such problems. We can try to find the right contacts for you, investor, resources or subcontractors.

In case of software activities we can offer even. more